A Letter to Quest

Dear Quest,

With patience and excitement, we await your arrival. While we don't know what adventures lie ahead in your life, we are certain that God has already ordered your steps. So many amazing people are celebrating you near and far. This is the village that surrounds you, so know that you will never be alone. We all love you so much. See you soon.

We love you!

Mommy, Daddy, and Big Brother

Send a Gift

Help us make Quest's arrival as comfortable as possible

Showered with Love

Dear Friends and Family,

We are overwhelmed with gratitude for the incredible support we experienced at our baby shower. The outpouring of love and joy in the room was truly heartwarming. Whether you were able to attend in person, wished to be there but couldn't, or sent thoughtful gifts for Quest's arrival, we want to express our heartfelt thanks. With each passing day, as we inch closer to welcoming Quest home, our hearts overflow with even more appreciation for your unwavering generosity. The baby shower was just the start of this beautiful journey, and we can't wait to share more moments with you.

With love,

Lamar + Lamara

Why "Quest"?

There is so much that goes into a name

 Our Family

Lamar, Lamara, and Kyan

How Did We Get Here?

We ask ourselves the same question :)